Is Christianity headed south? Year after year, Western culture continues to grow increasingly secularized. Secularization is—in the words of Baptist theologian R. Albert Mohler— the process by which a society becomes more and more distant from its Christian roots. Though the formal sociological theory is more complicated than that, the essence of secularization is the […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: The Radical Book for Kids
Do you want to cultivate your older children’s curiosity and shape their souls at the same time? Here’s a new book that will help you to fulfill both of those goals. As I flipped through page after colorful page in The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith, one thought kept recurring […]
[Read More...]Giveaway: Win a Free Four Views of the End Times Pamphlet
This pamphlet that comes with my Four Views of the End Times video series provides you with a quick guide to what Christians throughout history have taught and thought about the end of time—and it’s small enough for you to slip into your Bible for rapid reference anytime. This week, I’m giving away three of these handy […]
[Read More...]Church History: Martin Luther and the Ninety-Five Theses
On October 31, 1517, a monk and professor named Martin Luther sent a document entitled Disputatio Pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum to the archbishop of Mainz. This Disputatio consisted of ninety-five theses for theological debate. Perhaps on October 31 or more probably a week or two later, Luther hammered the theses to the door of All Saints’ Church […]
[Read More...]Leadership: Five Practices that Every Leader Needs
According to Daniel Montgomery and Jared Kennedy, effective leadership calls for the practice of five principles in the life of the leader:
[Read More...]Church History: The Church Council that John Calvin Rejected
On October 23, 787, the last session took place of the last church council that brought together church leaders from both the eastern and western halves of what had once been the Roman Empire. Centuries later, one of the key Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century would reject what these church leaders decided. What brought church leaders […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: Caring for Your Pastor’s Children
Pastors’ children see the best and the worst of the church. My father served as a pastor throughout much of my childhood, and my oldest daughter spent her first several years in our household as a pastor’s child. Although I no longer serve as a paid pastoral staff member, I teach and preach frequently in […]
[Read More...]Church History: How William Tyndale Changed the World
On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake. He was only forty-two years old or so at the time, but the work he had already accomplished in those four decades of life would change the world. You’ve probably seen the bumper sticker: “If you can read, thank a teacher.” Another bumper sticker—or […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: Teaching Your Children How We Got the Bible
This week, 480 years ago, William Tyndale was strangled to death and then burned. One of his offenses was the translation of the Bible into English from Hebrew and Greek—a capital crime at that time. Not even death, however, could stop the impact of Tyndale’s translations. The words that Tyndale left behind would reshape not […]
[Read More...]Leadership: “No, You Idiot, Your Team at Home …”
Dayton Moore, general manager of the Kansas City Royals, had a friend who asked him from time to time how his team was doing. Moore would begin talking about his baseball team and the friend would respond, “No, you idiot, … your team at home”—reminding Moore that his faithfulness as a husband and father mattered […]
[Read More...]Giveaway: Win a Free How We Got the Bible Timeline
This week, 480 years ago, William Tyndale was executed and burned at the stake. Tyndale, perhaps more than any other individual, helped to make the Bible accessible to English-speaking people. And so, I’m giving away three timelines this week to help you to understand how we got the Bible! You’ll need a Twitter account and […]
[Read More...]Theology: The Price of Trying To Be God
To sin is to use a gift that God provided for the purpose of pointing to his glory in a way that the Creator never intended. That’s how God’s good gift of relaxation degenerates into vacations that end in frustration because they fall short of our self-centered expectations. That’s how God’s gifts of food and drink […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: How a Parent’s Role Changes through the Stages of a Child’s Life
If you’re a parent, what’s your goal for parenting? My parenting purpose statement is simply this: Our purpose is to leverage our children’s lives so that people in every nation will receive multiplied opportunities to respond in faith to the rightful King of kings.
[Read More...]Apologetics: The Earliest Surviving Listing of the New Testament Canon
The claim has been repeated over and over that the first person to list the same twenty-seven books that we find in our New Testament today was Athanasius of Alexandria, in the year 367. When this claim comes from the lips of a skeptical scholar, it’s typically followed by a long leap to the conclusion that […]
[Read More...]D6 Conference: Planning Your Time in Louisville
Beginning tomorrow, hundreds of church leaders will arrive in the city of Louisville to attend this year’s D6 Conference. If you’re not familiar with D6, it’s far more than a conference; it’s a place where ministry teams can gather each year to learn, worship, pray, and strategize about how to embed God’s truth in the lives of the next […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: How Long Was the Canon in Question?
The Canon of the New Testament and the Categories of Eusebius The suggestion continues to be made by popular skeptics that the New Testament canon was in flux for hundreds of years. One scholar claims that no one came up with “a definitive list of books to be included in the canon that matched our list today” […]
[Read More...]Church History: The Racist Heresy in Southern Baptist History
The founders of the Southern Baptist Convention and of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary were zealous defenders of biblical orthodoxy. They were also heretics.
[Read More...]Family Ministry: A Better Story for Your Parenting
Data and arguments aren’t the strategies that do the best job of convincing people to change their lives. What convinces people best is the promise of a better story than the one they’re presently living. That’s why every leader should be—in the words of R. Albert Mohler—a steward-in-chief of [the organization’s] story. … Leadership comes down […]
[Read More...]Theology: How Free Is Humanity?
How free are your choices? Do human beings possess free will? Does God determine your choices or do you? Part of the answer depends on how you define “freedom” and “free will”! With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the notions of human freedom and free will. Does God Save People Against Their […]
[Read More...]Writing: Using Evernote to Write Your Book
Evernote has been an essential tool in the completion of my past two books, and several of my doctoral students have asked me to describe how I use Evernote to move projects from initial ideas and tables of contents to completed book manuscripts.
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