This exploration of Iron Man is the second in a series of posts exploring theological themes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You can find the rest of the series here. I recommend using VidAngel to filter the content of this film for your family. The Marvel Cinematic Universe launched in 2008 with the story of Tony Stark, […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: Three Models for Ministry to Families
When asked to provide a step-by-step process for implementing family ministry, Mark DeVries jokingly provided this progression: “Try something. Fail. Try something else. Fail again. Try something else. Stumble on one thing that works. Repeat what works. Try something else … you get the idea.” I appreciate Mark’s honesty and good humor, and there’s certainly […]
[Read More...]Giveaway: Win a Free Family Ministry Field Guide
Here’s what The Gospel Coalition had to say about Family Ministry Field Guide: Family Ministry Field Guide is not a cure-all for family ministry, and it doesn’t claim to be. Therefore, anyone who comes to this book looking for all the Bible says about families will be disappointed. But so will the person who comes […]
[Read More...]Leadership: The Important of a Pastor’s Presence with His People
United with Christ the perfect shepherd and sacrificial lamb, all of God’s people become sheep—but not all of God’s people become shepherds. In the new covenant, the elders of the church are uniquely designated as shepherds who join in the work of the Chief Shepherd (John 21:15-19; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 5:4). But what does […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Constantine, the New Testament Canon, and the Conversion of the Roman Empire
Ariel Sabar has penned a devastating exposé of the forged fragment known as Gospel of Jesus’ Wife. The article is well-researched and well-written—but it also includes a couple of historical errors that seem to have become conventional wisdom in far too many news articles.
[Read More...]Proclamation: The Search for a Shining Face
What does the book of Ecclesiastes have to say to believers in Jesus Christ today? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Sure, the book starts with the refrain, “Emptiness! Emptiness! Everything is emptiness”—but it doesn’t end there.
[Read More...]Church History: Rome Burned, But Nero Never Fiddled
In late July in the year AD 64, a fire began in the city of Rome that changed the course of history. The fire raged six days before being brought under control. When the smoke cleared on July 23, seven of Rome’s fourteen districts had been partly destroyed and three districts were completely obliterated. Then […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: What If the Copies Were Corrupted?
Suppose you own a Bible, but it’s translated in a style that’s difficult to understand. Or maybe your Bible has simply worn out from years of usage. If so, you can easily walk into any Christian bookstore and pick up a different version of the Bible. The earliest Christians couldn’t do that. There was no […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: How the New Testament Epistles Were Written
Have you ever wondered exactly how the New Testament epistles were written? Did Paul sit down with a fountain pen and a piece of papyrus? Did Peter and James sketch out an outline before they wrote their letters? And what caused the apostles to write their letters in the first place? It was in the […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Why the Lost Gospels Were Lost
What are the “lost Gospels”? The term “lost Gospels” usually refers to ancient writings that were excluded from the New Testament, even though they included supposed recollections of events and teachings from the life of Jesus. A few of these lost Gospels have lasted throughout the centuries. Others survive only in tiny fragments of papyrus or […]
[Read More...]Leadership: The Past, the Present, and the Possibilities in Online Theological Education
I have never been a traditional college student. I’ve earned three degrees but never once lived on a college or seminary campus, and I’ve worked forty hours a week or more while earning every one of my degrees. In the process, I’ve witnessed a momentous shift in higher education—a movement from on-campus education in fall […]
[Read More...]Culture: The Worldview of Star Wars
To coincide with what has become one of the biggest movie premieres in history, The Christian Examiner discussed the theology behind the Star Wars universe with me. Why is our society so enamored with Star Wars? Incessant merchandising, of course, has been part of it from the very beginning. But there are a couple of additional […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: PROOF Pirates Book and Vacation Bible School Material
Chore charts. Report cards. Standardized tests. Athletic banquets. Kids are inundated with messages about their performance. Because performance—work and reward—is one of the basic structures of our lives, kids often grow up thinking, “I am what I am because of what I do . . . or because of what I’ve failed to do.” How […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: What If Your Child Is Far More Than Your Child?
An excerpt from my recent book, co-edited with Dr. John David Trentham, Practical Family Ministry
[Read More...]Apologetics: How Did the Bible Begin?
Have you ever wondered how the Bible got started in the first place? That is one of the many questions I address in my new book How We Got the Bible. See the excerpt below from chapter two, “How Did the Old Testament Get from God to You?” to learn how the Bible began and who […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: What’s So Special about the Bible?
Perhaps at one point or another, you have found yourself gazing down at a leather bound copy of a large book with small print titled The Holy Bible and asking the question, “Why did God decide to leave us with this?” This God-inspired book wasn’t an afterthought or an accident! Eternal eons before God created […]
[Read More...]Practical Family Ministry: A Book I’m Not Embarrassed to Beg You to Buy
You may have noticed that I have a new book out that I co-edited with my colleague Dr. John David Trentham. In Practical Family Ministry, we’ve brought together several practitioners to provide you with a plethora of practical ideas to strengthen your church’s family ministry. Sometimes, I’m hesitant to ask you to purchase a book that I’ve written […]
[Read More...]Family Ministry: Three Truths and Three Tips for Engaging with Families in Your Church
The animated feature The Incredibles is a favorite movie in our household—and one of our favorite scenes is the family meal early in the film. Dinner at the Parr household has deteriorated into pandemonium. The infant squeals in delight at the chaos as two siblings engage in super-powered combat. A frazzled mom strains unsuccessfully to […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: An Interview about How the Bible Came to Be
Ivan Mesa, an editor for The Gospel Coalition, recently had a conversation with Timothy Paul Jones about how we got—and why we should trust—God’s Word, the topic of his recent book How We Got the Bible. At the bottom of this post, click on the coupon for a discount code that lets you buy the book for only $9.99–one-third off […]
[Read More...]Church History: Jan Hus, John Wycliffe, and the Word of God for Every Person
In 1415, a church council gathered in the city of Constance. One of the items on their agenda was a heresy trial. In addition to ending a decades-long multiplicity of popes, the Council of Constance concluded that two particular priests had turned into heretics and that both of them must be burned. There was, however, […]
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