For me, this video, entitled “The Insanity of Luther,” from R.C. Sproul is far more than a history lecture.
I first watched this lecture in an earlier iteration, on VHS tape at a church in rural Kansas in the summer of 1992. A few months after that, a seven-year theological tribulation began in my life in which I drifted in a more liberal direction before eventually finding my theological home where it had always been, deeply rooted in historical orthodoxy.
God used this lecture in 1992 to spark in me a passion for church history. Over several years, R.C. Sproul, through countless audio and video tapes, fed me the theological meat that I had missed in the first two decades of my life. Even in the times when I questioned the content encoded in those miles of magnetic tape, Sproul’s teaching rooted my thinking in history, and God worked through this to prevent me from straying too far from orthodoxy. If you aren’t already familiar with R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries, consider this your invitation to drink deeply from this rich and refreshing theological well.
To watch “The Insanity of Luther,” go here.
30 Days through Church History: Day 17