Ivan Mesa, an editor for The Gospel Coalition, recently had a conversation with Timothy Paul Jones about how we got—and why we should trust—God’s Word, the topic of his recent book How We Got the Bible.
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You open your book by asking, “What’s so special about the Bible?” How would you answer that question in 100 words or less?
The Bible is special because of its truth, its testimony, and its purpose. Its words testify with complete truthfulness to God’s revelation of his glory in the Lord Jesus Christ; the purpose of these words is to transform the lives of people in a redeemed community that participates in God’s present reign and provides a foretaste of his future reign. The words of Scripture are inerrant in their inspiration, sufficient in their preservation, and life-transforming when their application is based on sound interpretation and the Holy Spirit’s illumination.
If you want an even shorter summary of what’s so special about the Bible, I would appeal to a couple of sentences Clement of Rome wrote in the late first century, just a few decades after the earthly life of Christ: “The Scriptures are true and given by the Holy Spirit. You know that nothing unrighteous or counterfeit is written in them.”
At the end of the six-week study, what do you want people to walk away with?
After someone reads the book and views the six video sessions, I want them to know that whenever they gather with brothers and sisters who trust the truth of Scripture they stand in a succession of faithfulness that stretches all the way back to the apostles. Trust in the absolute truthfulness of Scripture isn’t a recent innovation; it’s woven deeply throughout every fiber of the faith that’s been passed down through the ages.
I also pray that those who read this book begin to breathe a prayer of thanksgiving each time they open their Bibles. I want them to recall the thousands of men and women who risked their lives to copy these words and to bring them into the English language, and I want this sense of gratitude to drive people to love the Scriptures more.
To read the rest of this interview about how the Bible came to be, click here.