Today, at 9:35 a.m. Eastern time, I will be interviewed for the program Update Today with Maxine Sieleman. This program will air tomorrow, Tuesday July 10, at 7:00 a.m. Eastern time, on KPSZ in Des Moines, Iowa. Maxine and I will be discussing why it’s essential for every Christian to know the history of the […]
[Read More...]Why No Baptized Lions Or Talking Crosses Made It Into Your Bible
From the first century forward, Christians viewed testimony that could be connected to eyewitnesses of Jesus as uniquely authoritative. The logic of this standard was simple: The people most likely to know the truth about Jesus were either eyewitnesses who had encountered Jesus personally or close associates of these witnesses. So, although Christians wrangled for […]
[Read More...]Today on the Janet Mefferd Show
Today, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern, I will appear on the Janet Mefferd Show, talking with Janet about the possibility that the New Testament Gospels were based on pagan myths that preceded Jesus. Find out here when the Janet Mefferd Show airs in your area, or listen online here. April 16, 2012
[Read More...]G.K. Chesterton on the Historical Case for the Resurrection
The historical case for the Resurrection is that everybody else, except the Apostles, had every possible motive to declare what they had done with the body, if anything had been done with it. The Apostles might have hidden it in order to announce a sham miracle, but it is very difficult to imagine men being […]
[Read More...]Theology: What I Love About the Resurrection
I have believed in the resurrection of Jesus for many years. Over the past seven months, I have grown to love the truth of the resurrection like never before. On a summer Sunday eight months ago, my mother called to let me know that my father had collapsed that morning. A few weeks after that […]
[Read More...]N.T. Wright on Why Resurrection Makes the Best Sense of the Historical Evidence
It will not do … to say that Jesus’ disciples were so stunned and shocked by his death, so unable to come to terms with it, that they projected their shattered hopes onto the screen of fantasy and invented the idea of Jesus’ ‘resurrection’ as a way of coping with a cruelly broken dream. That […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Gospel-Centered Apologetics
So much can depend on the answer to a single question. “Will you marry me?” “Did he get the job?” “Was I accepted into the program?” “Did she survive?” “Will you forgive me?” Sometimes, everything comes together—or falls apart—in the shadow of a single question. The Christian faith is that way. In the case of […]
[Read More...]Apologetics: Is It Possible that Jesus’ Body Was Left on the Cross?
The Obscenity of the Cross in the Ancient World With few exceptions, even the most skeptical scholars admit that Jesus was crucified—and with good reason. Not only Christian authors but also the Roman historian Tacitus mention the crucifixion of Jesus. It’s highly unlikely that first-century Christians would have fabricated such a shameful fate for […]
[Read More...]The Value of a Life in Panem: A Review of The Hunger Games
“The future shape of the world,” Baptist theologian R. Albert Mohler has noted, “appears to be a worldview competition between Christianity, Islam, and Western secularism.” The Hunger Games film and books present us with a world where the worldview competition is over in North America, and Western secularism has won. Centuries in the future, the […]
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