Welcome to the true crime episode of The Apologetics Podcast—an episode so good it’s almost criminal! Cold-case detective J. Warner Wallace joins your intrepid cohosts to teach them how true crime points to the truth of God. Wallace’s latest book The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life […]
[Read More...]Garrick Bailey and Timothy Paul Jones: The Soul Movie
This episode is all about Soul. That’s because Garrick and Timothy recently headed to the theaters to watch the Soul movie, a new cinematic feature produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. And by “headed to the theaters,” what they mean is that each of them headed downstairs to their respective home theaters, where […]
[Read More...]Urban Ministry Podcast: Developing Deep Community in Urban Contexts
Suppose God has called you to plant a church in the city, and you’re struggling simply to gather an initial core group to launch the new congregation. When someone asks you about small groups, you might wonder, “Do I really need to think about small groups? Why isn’t enough simply to have an outstanding Sunday morning worship experience and deal with groups later, after the church is growing?” If you think that gathering in small groups is optional, you need to listen to this episode of Urban Ministry Podcast. Today, my guest on the Urban Ministry Podcast is Brad House, the author of Community: Taking Your Small Group Off Life Support and the coauthor with Gregg Allison of the book Multichurch. The focus of our discussion is the unique dynamics of small groups in urban contexts and the need for small groups even in the early stages of church planting.
[Read More...]Podcast: Caring for the Souls of Singles in Urban Contexts
There are more than 100 million single adults in the United States. In 2016, 53% of adults in the United States were unmarried, and 64% of these individuals had never been married. Since an overwhelming percentage of singles are moving into urban contexts, urban congregations must learn to minister effectively with single adults. In this episode of the Urban Ministry Podcast, Lilly Park—professor of biblical counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary—joins me to talk about how churches in the city can help single adults to pursue God’s calling for their lives.
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey: Three Chords Goes to the Movies: Avengers: Endgame
In the 1960s, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby began creating comic book storylines that were interconnected in a shared universe and told a single story through many individual stories. In the early twenty-first century, that’s what Marvel Studios decided to do through the films that became the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The first of these films was released in 2008. Now—eleven years and twenty-two films later—all of these storylines have culminated in a single film, Avengers: Endgame. In this special episode of Three Chords and the Truth, Garrick Bailey and Timothy Paul Jones take a careful look at Avengers: Endgame.
[Read More...]Todd Miles: Jesus, Superman, Captain America, and Other Resurrected Superheroes + “The Great American Novel” (Larry Norman)
So what do Superman, Captain America, Professor X, and Jesus Christ all have in common? According to the canonical accounts of their lives, each one has been raised from the dead. So why is it that, even in fiction, humans yearn for heroes who die and return to life? That’s one of the questions that Timothy Paul Jones explores in this episode with cohost Garrick Bailey and Western Seminary professor Todd Miles, author of the B&H Academic book Superheroes Can’t Save You. Then, in the second half of the program, Garrick and Timothy go digging for God’s truth in the music of Larry Norman, the father of Christian rock.
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones: Is There Enough Historical Evidence to Believe Jesus Was Really Raised from the Dead? + “Spirit in the Sky” (Norman Greenbaum)
Atheist Richard Dawkins has defined faith as “a state of mind that leads people to believe something—it doesn’t matter what—in the total absence of supporting evidence.” But is the evidence for Christian faith really that weak? On this week’s episode of Three Chords and the Truth: The Apologetics Podcast, bestselling apologist Timothy Paul Jones and theologian Garrick Bailey explore historical evidences for the resurrection of Jesus Christ; then, in the second half of the show, they take a look at the theology of “Spirit in the Sky.”
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey: The Cross and the Lynching Tree + “The Star-Spangled Banner” (Jimi Hendrix)
What happened to the body of Jesus after his death on the cross? According to the New Testament Gospels, his body was buried in a tomb and raised on the third day. And yet, according to some scholars, the body of Jesus was abandoned and consumed by wild beasts. So how do we know that Jesus was actually buried? That’s one of the questions that we’ll explore in the first half of the program. In the second half, we’ll search for truth in a song that Jimi Hendrix played at Woodstock and discover a yearning for justice that God has placed in every human heart that leads us to protest injustice. Then, we’ll reach inside the Infinity Gauntlet and pit Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters against Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
[Read More...]Jonathan Pennington: Truth and Testimony in the New Testament Gospels + “All Along the Watchtower” (Jimi Hendrix)
According to bestselling biblical scholar Bart Ehrman, the New Testament Gospels “were not written … by people who were eyewitnesses, but by people living later.” Ehrman goes on to say that “sometimes Christian apologists say there are only three options to who Jesus was: a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. But there could be a fourth option—legend.” And legend is the possibility for which Ehrman argues. But is it true that the circulation of stories by word of mouth necessarily results in changes that turn testimony into legend? That’s what Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey discuss with New Testament scholar Jonathan Pennington on the Three Chords segment of the show.
[Read More...]Timothy Paul Jones and Garrick Bailey: God, Humanity, and Gender in Captain Marvel + “All Along the Watchtower” (Bob Dylan)
At first, Vers seems like an ordinary alien with an extraordinary power. But, in her dreams, she remembers that she was once something different—and perhaps even something greater. That’s how Captain Marvel, the newest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe begins. In this special episode of Three Chords and the Truth, Garrick and Timothy take a look at Captain Marvel and the larger metanarrative of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then, in the second half, Garrick reveals his wrong opinions about Bob Dylan as he and Timothy examine the song that inspired this podcast in the first place, “All Along the Watchtower.” This week, the Infinity Gauntlet throws the webslinging wonder Peter Parker into the ring against the mighty Shazam.
[Read More...]Apologetics: A Quick Introduction to a New Apologetics Podcast
Subscribe to the Three Chords and the Truth: The Apologetics Podcast on PodBean or iTunes. One week from today, I’ll launch the first episodes of Three Chords and the Truth: The Apologetics Podcast. Until then, here’s a quick overview of why this podcast exists and what you’ll hear each week. Think of this post as the superhero origin story […]
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